Friday, October 31, 2014


Mr. Selman,
         Hi. Although I appreciate Mr. Gerlach's stance in this matter (I really do), I have to say BULLSHIT. I clearly can define that this incident occurred during what was clearly mind control including the use of subliminals, hypnosis, robotics, holograms with the use of voice to skull technology and some kind of electronic or sound wave neuroscience technology. Better known as MKULTRA (that actually stands for mind control in German) techniques.
  Although it was what I would call  a "nice" beautiful version and I really just experienced  what I would call "pure love". The ability to override the senses and interjection of subliminal messages was extremely powerful. 
  Speaking of boundries, who's boundries were violated here? And I am the offender? I am suffering the consequences of someones designed program.
  I understand you are very busy. Given your highly logical intellect, I think you find the following video's of  great interest in enlightening you.
  Take a few minutes...there are quite a few more available on the subject.
Ignorance of technology is not an excuse.
                           Gary S.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

A VIDEO COLLECTION (Or corroborating evidence.)

Here are some videos, that although not directly related, some are actually related...
Please note video one
 I would say that Rachelle also fell under something similar... including getting hit in the head...

Tuesday, October 14, 2014


Just a quick link for those who are interested in the latest neuroscience mind influences.
I think you will find it very interesting...


  Although this event happened over 4 1/2 years ago, it still remains ever present. I would have to say without doubt Rachel O'Briens overdose and my reaction to her condition was clearly influenced by psychcological mind control techniques learned from the MK-ULTRA program and programming. Justifiable or not its the facts. Clearly defined subliminals, hypnosis, robotics and holograms.
It was very structured programming. This may seem harsh but it  appeared to me their was someone who was OK with her dying, (and  I was just trying to keep her alive.)  A psychological influence...
  I just question this after my own 30 years of psychological neuroscience influences...a pretty clearly designed plan.
 I really have to challenge those involved, this is correct behavior on their part? I would say there are some agents who think not and I appreciate their clues.
   Everyday I say I look to the sky and say I love you. I mean every day. Especially when I feel the sunshine, because that's what she was to me -  sunshine. 
  I love her forever, just want to define the facts.