Friday, August 29, 2014

Of Interest.. A couple Links...Just For Fun of Course

 A couple more links (these really fit...really)

"Apathy has taken over the minds of the masses, who choose to exist within the comforts of this world"

I thought I was done with this blog...

 Luv  Gary

Friday, August 22, 2014

A conclusion of the overdose of Rachelle O'Brien and  her leaving the planet 3 days later. I conclude that yes it clearly appears someone (appears government involvement) using programming  learned from the MK ULTRA program etc.: such as hypnosis, subliminal suggestion, robotics, voice to skull technology, etc.
 Also appears or is linked to so called "secret society" (Illuminati). Ironically a very beautiful one I would say by the union experience I had. Perhaps it was GOD involved, It is hard to tell during this "experiment" (I personally do not really call this experience experimental.) It did have a interjection of "Government Experiment" via the voice to skull technology.
  The psychologists would like to hide behind calling these things: auditory hallucinations, delusional disorders etc. Or the smokescreen of drugs. No they would hate to admit that illegal (so called) experiments on people are being used.
  At least I got a nice version of the techniques. Although I bonded in forever love, I still find it wrong, even with justifications (two wrongs do not make a right, although this was close). I guess you have to experience to explain it.
  I accept some responsibility, but the influences of the "experiment" was overwhelming to the senses. (I am sure an intention of the programmers.) But I do not feel guilty for joining in a union with the only woman I have ever asked to marry me.
 I truly believe the government needs to quit being in denial. To quit faking things, deceiving and manipulating people.
 Lets just pretend that this "experiment?" did not happen. Well sorry it did...and so has a lot of other "experiments" it appears. (Not my idea.) Depopulation [gender experiments (a gay population does not create kids), overdoses...] , illegal classing of people, involvement in drugs for money:crack, heroin etc. For example I talked recently to a soldier that got back from Afghanistan who was guarding Poppy fields...
 The CIA got caught with a plane full of crack etc...
  Do we really need to spending money on  "experiments".
  This really is about resources, our mismanaged national debt, overpopulation and lack of knowledge.
I have to admit the "End of The World" simulation was very good. And am very grateful for the love I experienced. It's deeper love then I could ever imagine: forever.
 Well I am done blogging on this. If anyone has any questions I will most likely answer them, unless it could hurt someone else. (:-)

PS I am Christian and forgiving..." the experiment" was very well done by the way.
 Over 30 years I have seen or experienced effects of  "experimentation".... are we done????